Thursday, July 17, 2008

God is Good... All the Time

It is hard to believe that I am sitting here, 51 days into my employment for YouthWorks. That is just so crazy!!! Even more crazy is that there are only 24 more days until the end of my YouthWorks summer.
This past week has also really flown by. I had the opportunity to head home this past weekend to attend a wedding of two of my good friends (Matty Lu and Anna). Jessie came down to Charleston early on Friday. That was so amazing. She helped with the last of our Friday duties. Then I was able to show her around the city a little. I brought her to all of the hot spots: Taylor Books, Charleston Boys and Girls Club, Bob Burdette Center, and Pastor Ealy's church. It was so much fun showing Jessie where I spend my time and where I get to hang out with the kids. We then headed home for the weekend. We were able to just hang out all night Friday and into the afternoon on Saturday. We hung out in the transforming house as it is being prepared to be sold. The wedding was on Saturday afternoon and it was beautiful. I was able to see my parents later that night as they traveled back from Florida. It was great to catch up with them for a little bit. I then picked up the rental on Sunday morning and headed back to WV after a great weekend.

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