Saturday, July 26, 2008

God Shows Up... Yet Again

This past week has been amazing. I came into the week thinking, three more weeks left. We are not really to the point where it is the home stretch. The staff (including myself) was feeling tired and just ready for a break. Well the groups didn't call and cancel, so we were not given a full break. However, God gave us a break of sorts.
The groups arrived on Sunday and I had a good feeling about them from the very beginning. The younger group seemed like a lot of fun. Then the older groups came and they seemed really ready to serve and pour into the community. This was just so refreshing and it came at the perfect time. The group was incredibly spiritually mature. The first night, we did lights out at 11 and there were a few kids who came out of the sleeping rooms to read their Bible before going to bed. God is really good! I am coming to the realization that there are tons of great young people in the church today. There are kids coming on this trip who really get the reason they are serving. There are many more who leave at the end of the week, who really understand the cause.
I remember the first week of programming at our site. There was an amazing leader named Donna who was an associate pastor at her church. I had a conversation with her about ministry and she said something that I will always remember. She said there is nothing like ministry because we get paid to witness such incredible change in people's lives. I have experienced that first hand in Charleston.
Thank God for an amazing group and for the people who continue to pour into me even though they are here to serve this community.

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