Saturday, August 9, 2008

Take me home, Country Roads

I am sitting in Taylor Books right now, enjoying my last hours here in Charleston. I am overwhelmed with an extreme mixture of emotions. I am very sad to leave the community and the kids here in Charleston. I have been going around this past week and have been saying my goodbyes. It was not until the middle of an adult leaders meeting this past week that I started to feel the connection that I have for the city. The leaders were talking about one of the ministry sites, and I felt sad that I would be leaving them soon. I can think of individual adults or kids at these sites that I have really grown attached to. So... needless to say I am feeling sad to be leaving this amazing place.
I am also feeling a little sad to be leaving the staff and community friends. I have become close with the staff and have learned a lot about myself from them. I have enjoyed watching April grow in her faith as she has really given this summer her all. It has been a lot of fun to be around Andrea and see her passion for these ministries in the city. And I have really enjoyed Jordan's friendship and willingness to do anything to get the job done. It is weird, but we have sort of become family throughout the summer.
I have a great feeling of uncertainty as I leave Charleston. I am uncertain of what the immediate future will be like. I go back tomorrow to finish my YouthWorks responsibilities and I become the Assistant RD at Geneva on Monday. So I will be going straight from one job to the next. To make things a little more complicated, my family is moving in the middle of training week. So I have to figure out any last minute moving things, but my parents and Jessie have been an INCREDIBLE help with this.
I also have a great feeling of excitement to be back in the same state as Jessie, at least for a few weeks. She leaves for Kenya in less than 3 weeks, but hopefully we will be able to spend a lot of time together before she leaves. I will be so glad to get back into the routines of Monday movies and other fun things we like to do together.
I am also excited to spend some time with my other friends who I have not seen all summer and chill with them.
I can't believe that I am writing a goodbye to WV entry right now, but I know this place will have a special spot in my heart. The people here have been amazing, and I will be praying that God continues to do some amazing work in this city. Thank you to all of you who are reading this and have been supporting me along the way. You rock too.
Peace and love from WV...

1 comment:

Krista said...

Nolan, this blog is incredible. I didn't know you had it until just this evening. You've done some awesome stuff for God - keep going!
