Thursday, June 26, 2008

And it begins...

Home Sweet Home at Central
My local favorite... Taylor Books and coffee shop

Since I last wrote, my life has become a lot more busy. After leaving Bluefield early on Friday, Jacob (Utility Staff) and I drove to Huntington, WV to pick up two starters. The starters are people associated with YouthWorks who help us process through our first week of programming on our own. Our starter is Phil and he works in the YW finance department. He has been with me all week and has been a huge help. The week has been crazy hectic, even with the extra help. I have been driving around and trying to visit different ministry sites during the day, while also completing paper work, finances, other miscellaneous activities. I quickly found out this week that this miscellaneous category in my job description is quite large. This included a 6:20 am run to buy cheese. It also included figuring out shower shuttling and even includes figuring our who is responsible for a broken window. All fun and exciting things that I get to handle. In addition to the small chores, I have been blessed by incredible adult leaders. I am learning that a lot of my time is really spent with the leaders and it is a great ministry. I am excited for the coming weeks when I can get into a rhythm and figure our how to best use my time. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I will try to share more of my week later on, but for now, God Bless.

1 comment:

m & d said...

Wow...can't wait to hear the rest of the story!