Friday, June 27, 2008

A reflection on the week and more

Wow. A week of programming in the books and all I can say is wow. I can't believe I am writing about a completed week here in Charleston. I thought this day would never come.
This week has been amazing. The youth were great. The leaders were amazing and really showered us all with kindness and love. I was talking with one of the adult leaders (an associate pastor from Indiana) on Thursday about the YouthWorks job here in Charleston and about ministry in general. She reminded me of something that I have found to be true in every ministry setting I have been in. Every time we help and minister to people, we are blessed more than we could ever bless others. This simple concept began to look very clear. After all of the hours on adult leader packets and preparation, I was ready to love and encourage the adult leaders. However, I felt encouraged and blessed by the way they lived and ministered to me this week. The leader Donna said it best... "There is just nothing like ministry". I am really starting to believe that. Where else can you get such an amazing return on investment?
I am also encouraged by the way the youth responded to our team here. They really bought into the ministries, skits, activities, and lessons. I think that can be attributed to our hard work on preparing the site, having confidence in what we are doing, and most importantly, relying on God. It did not take long to realize that God is the only thing that will get me through the week. Through his power, we can do amazing things.
I was also reminded of one more important piece of ministry this week. Sometimes it is easy to forget what ministry is all about because sometimes it is hiding behind mounds of paperwork and logistics. However, at its base, ministry is beautifully simple: love others. Many of the youth who were here this week could not recite a single Bible verse or tell you what predestination is, but they could love on others. They loved on the kids and people they worked with all week, and it was beautiful.

Romans 10:14-15 states: "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the whom they have not heard? And how can the hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'"

Watching people, especially young people, do this is truly beautiful!

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