Friday, June 27, 2008


The YouthWorks theme for the summer is Move. Acts 17:28 states, "For in Him we live and MOVE and have our being". I guess God is really transcending this theme across all areas of my life. My dad has accepted a job at the University of Florida and will be starting there at the end of the summer. This is a great move for the family and has nothing to do with Pitt at all. It actually has a lot to do with family. This move will bring our whole immediate family within a 6 hour drive of each other. This has created some mixed emotions however. I am "stuck" in West Virginia while all of this change is going on in Pittsburgh. I have felt so supported by Jessie, my parents, and other friends at home. But it is still a weird time for me. I know that along with all other things, God has a great plan for this situation and I am excited to see that revealed throughout the coming years. I guess the only way to end this one is with two pretty foreign words.....

1 comment:

m & d said...

WOW is right! Remember "dream BIG, and do what you love?" Sounds like you are headed in that direction. Your take on "Move" was...well, moving. Thanks for that very open and generous perspective. You are missed, and you are loved!