Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Week That Was...

Another great week is almost over. This past week has been interesting. We only have 2 groups. One is only high school and the other is only middle school. However, that have worked together well. The leaders have really made this trip great as well. All of the leaders are really excited to be here and they are so much fun. I have been able to have some good and fun conversations with the leaders of the all high school group. One of the leaders reminds me of my Uncle Jay. He is a big jokester but is very caring. It is such a blessing to see this church because it is primarily being led by all adult volunteers who just really love and care for these kids. It continues to amaze me how God really shows up every week.
It was very encouraging yesterday and this morning because Belinda (Regional Director) was in town. She really encouraged us and told us that our site has been doing really well. Some of that may be her doing her job, but it was still great to hear and it was clear that her words were from the heart. All of the support and love have made my job so much easier. Praise God.

1 comment:

Jessie Patouillet said...

I had so much fun with you this weekend babe! I'm so proud of your work and I am glad another week went well!! 24 days...and counting!