Saturday, July 5, 2008

An interesting week...

I will start off this entry by saying that I am safe. Everything is fine and God is good. Now for the craziness of the week:
The program part of the week went very well. This week we had older youth (averaging sophomore - juniors in high school). That was nice because they were able to process things on a deeper level and were a lot of fun. However, it was sometimes hard to get them to places on time because they were hanging out. In the scheme of things, that was a minor difficulty. Our programming was smoother this week as we had a week of experience under our belt. Clubs were great. They responded to "Ya'll Done Goods" and "Yeah Gods". They even bought into "Big Daddy Nol", the boxing champion of the universe/ announcement man. Jordan's talks were awesome as usual and it sunk in more with the older crowd.
The ministries went well for the most part. There was still some disorganized places with great ministry potential (mostly the Paul Dunbar Center). The group started to get into the flow by Tuesday and really loved on the kids the rest of the week. A definite highlight from my week came Wednesday afternoon when I was at the Paul Dunbar Center for their carnival/ block party. It was like something out of a movie. There was a DJ blasting Soulja Boy and Lil Wayne. Kids had squirt guns and people were dancing in unison to their favorite hip hop beats. It was a beautiful thing.
Well the week got interesting by Thursday night. Long story short: A leader's car got broken into and he had his laptop stolen. I went out there to wait for the cops with him after club was over. A cop finally came but there was some confusion. He thought we were two men that were in a fight in front of the local gas station, so he had us interlock our fingers. He then frisked us and asked us why were fighting in front of the Go Mart. He also asked if we were drinking and why we were acting lethargic (possible signs of a long YouthWorks week). The situation was finally settled as a misunderstanding.
However the craziness continued on Friday when we came outside to find that an arson had gotten to our YouthWorks vehicle. The person had opened the back seat and lit it on fire. So the Jeep has a hole in the back seat and is coated in nasty debris that is dangerous to breath. So we are waiting to get the Jeep cleaned and drivable again.
You know, just the average week here in Charleston. More to come soon. Thank you all for your prayers and support. God Bless you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk about fireworks on the 4th of July!! Wow! Hope you are taking lots of pictures. Also hope that you found someone to tow the car somewhere to fix it/remove the carcinogens, etc. You could write a book! You are so right...God IS good!